Why Should Entrepreneurs Prioritize Working ON Their Business?

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, entrepreneurs are often caught in the whirlwind of day-to-day operations, frequently finding themselves working IN their businesses instead of ON them. But what does this distinction imply, and why is it a pivotal concern for entrepreneurial success?

Working IN the business typically involves addressing immediate needs, such as dealing with clients, managing employees, and handling administrative tasks. Conversely, working ON the business pertains to activities that contribute to long-term growth and strategic positioning, such as planning for the future, developing new products or services, and exploring new markets.

While both approaches are critical, a growing body of evidence suggests that entrepreneurs who prioritize working ON their business drive their ventures toward success and navigate the challenges of growth more effectively. This blog post explores why this strategic shift is essential and provides insights to help entrepreneurs focus more on working ON their businesses.

Understanding the Concept

Definition of working IN the business

Working IN the business involves dealing with the daily tasks and issues that keep the business functioning. This includes customer service, staff management, sales, accounting, and numerous other operational roles. Entrepreneurs who find themselves primarily working IN their business tend to be heavily involved in these day-to-day tasks, often leading to a reactive approach to business management rather than a proactive one.

Definition of working ON the business

Working ON the business, on the other hand, involves a higher level of strategic thought and planning. This includes setting long-term goals, creating and implementing business strategies, market research, product or service development, and other tasks focused on growth and expansion. It involves a broader vision, looking beyond the daily operations to see the business’s bigger picture and future potential.

The critical difference between the two concepts

The key difference between working IN and working ON the business lies in their impact on the company’s long-term trajectory. Working IN the industry is about maintaining the status quo and dealing with immediate concerns while working in the business fosters growth, innovation, and strategic advancement. The latter, while often neglected in the rush of daily operations, is crucial for the long-term success and sustainability of the business.

The Importance of Perspective

The potential pitfalls of constantly working IN the business

Entrepreneurs engrossed in working IN the business may often neglect long-term strategic planning and innovation. While their involvement is essential for the company’s daily functioning, it can inadvertently create a myopic view, limiting their perspective to immediate tasks and challenges. This lack of a broader vision can stifle innovation, impede growth, and jeopardize the business’s sustainability.

The long-term benefits of focusing on working ON the business

Conversely, entrepreneurs who invest time and effort in working ON their business tend to cultivate a strategic perspective. They prioritize the future, enabling them to anticipate market trends, innovate, and guide their businesses toward sustained growth. This mindset is beneficial and necessary in a constantly evolving business environment where foresight, adaptability, and innovation are critical to long-term survival and success.

By focusing on working ON their business, entrepreneurs can establish clear goals, devise effective strategies, explore new markets, innovate, and build a resilient, future-oriented organization capable of withstanding changes in the business environment.

The Benefits

Entrepreneurs who prioritize working ON their businesses often reap significant benefits contributing to their business’s longevity and prosperity.

Enhanced strategic planning

Working ON the business provides the necessary perspective to create robust strategic plans. It helps entrepreneurs focus on setting clear objectives, devising strategies to achieve these goals, and aligning their resources effectively. This proactive approach ensures the business stays on track toward its long-term goals.

Streamlined business operations

By stepping back from day-to-day operations, entrepreneurs can evaluate and improve their operational efficiency. This might involve optimizing workflows, automating repetitive tasks, or implementing new technologies. By streamlining processes, businesses can enhance productivity and profitability.

Facilitated business growth and success

Working ON the business is the key to sustainable development. By focusing on innovation, strategic partnerships, and market expansion, entrepreneurs can drive their businesses to new heights. In addition, a forward-looking approach allows entrepreneurs to adapt swiftly to market changes, giving them a competitive edge.

Practical Strategies

In light of the above benefits, here are some practical strategies that entrepreneurs can adopt to shift their focus toward working ON their business:

Techniques for prioritizing tasks that contribute to working ON the business

Effective time management is crucial for entrepreneurs aiming to work more ON their business. Begin by setting aside dedicated weekly time for strategic planning and decision-making. Use this time to consider plans, assess business performance, and identify areas for improvement. Prioritizing these activities can help balance the essential operational and strategic tasks that will drive your business forward.

Strategies for avoiding common distractions when working ON the business

To avoid being constantly pulled into operational matters, consider delegating routine tasks to competent team members or outsourcing to trusted partners. This step allows you to free up time for strategic tasks. Moreover, developing a strong management team can help handle day-to-day operations, empowering you to focus more on the bigger picture.

Case Studies

Real-world examples can illustrate the benefits of focusing ON the business rather than getting tangled in day-to-day operations. Let’s look at two successful entrepreneurs who prioritized working ON their business.

Example 1: Ray Kroc and McDonald’s

Ray Kroc, who turned McDonald’s into a global brand, is a prime example of an entrepreneur working ON the business. Kroc realized early on that his role was to run a restaurant and develop a system that could be replicated anywhere. This system, which focused on quality, service, cleanliness, and value, could be applied to multiple locations, expanding the business’s reach and driving its success.

Example 2: Howard Schultz and Starbucks

Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks, is another entrepreneur who epitomizes the practice of working ON the business. Schultz’s vision of bringing the Italian espresso bar experience to America transformed Starbucks from a small coffee retailer to a global phenomenon. His focus on creating a unique ‘Starbucks experience’ and his dedication to innovation and quality enabled the brand to grow and dominate the market.

These examples highlight the impact that working ON the business can have and underline the significant role this practice plays in creating successful, scalable companies.

The Challenges

While the benefits of working ON the business are clear, making this shift is challenging. Here are some common obstacles entrepreneurs face and some suggested solutions.

Common obstacles in shifting focus from IN to ON the business

1.  Time Constraints: Entrepreneurs often lack time to step back from day-to-day operations. This perception can keep them in a reactive mode, constantly addressing immediate issues rather than focusing on strategic tasks.

2.  Lack of Delegation: Many entrepreneurs find it hard to delegate tasks. This reluctance can stem from believing they can perform tasks better or faster or lacking trust in their team’s ability to handle responsibilities.

3.  Fear of Change: Shifting focus from working IN to ON the business involves significant change, which can be intimidating. Entrepreneurs may fear the risks and uncertainties associated with focusing more on strategic planning and less on daily operations.

Effective solutions to overcome these obstacles

1.  Prioritize and Schedule: Allocate specific time for strategic tasks. Prioritizing activities contributing to working ON the business can help manage time more effectively.

2.  Empower Your Team: Develop your team’s skills and competencies to handle daily operations. Trusting your team to manage routine tasks frees up time for you to focus on strategic issues.

3.  Embrace Change: Remember that change is necessary for growth. Overcoming fear of change involves understanding that the potential benefits of working ON the business far outweigh the risks.

The Future Outlook

The business landscape is rapidly changing. Technology advancements, shifting customer preferences, and evolving market dynamics make businesses need to adapt and innovate. In this context, working ON the company is more important than ever.

The increasing importance of working ON the business in the future of entrepreneurship

Working ON the business allows entrepreneurs to stay ahead of trends and adapt to changes. It encourages innovation, improves competitiveness, and supports long-term business sustainability. In the future, businesses prioritizing strategic planning and forward-thinking will be better equipped to thrive in a constantly changing environment.

Encouraging entrepreneurs to make this strategic shift

Entrepreneurs must recognize the importance of working ON their business and make the necessary adjustments in their approach. Shifting focus from working IN the industry to working ON it can be challenging, but the long-term benefits far outweigh the difficulties. This strategic shift is beneficial and vital for companies to succeed in the future.


Working IN the business is essential for day-to-day operations, but focusing on working ON the company is vital for sustainable growth and long-term success. By understanding the difference and striking a balance, entrepreneurs can steer their businesses toward growth, innovation, and resilience. In a rapidly changing business environment, this strategic shift is not just beneficial—it’s essential.

Key Takeaways

Working ON the business involves strategic planning, innovation, and long-term goal setting, while working IN the company focuses on the operational tasks required for daily functioning. Prioritizing the former helps entrepreneurs stay ahead of trends, improve competitiveness, and ensure the long-term success of their businesses.

Final Call to Action

In the constantly evolving business world, the ability to adapt, innovate, and plan for the future has never been more crucial. So, take a step back, assess your business, and shift your focus to work more ON your business. The success of your venture may depend on it.

Actionable Questions for the Reader

  1. Are you spending more time working IN your business than ON it?
  2. What strategic planning tasks could you prioritize to start working more ON your business?
  3. Are there tasks you currently handle that could be delegated to free up more time for strategic planning?
  4. What challenges or obstacles do you foresee in shifting your focus from working IN your business to working ON it, and how can you overcome them?
  5. How will working more ON your business support your long-term business goals?

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